
                        Introducing the X-DUPE feature

                              by Hoopy, June 2001


1. What is it?

The X-DUPE mechanism helps you saving time when uploading files by avoiding
"dupes"; in this case we refer to the term "dupes" as files which already have
been uploaded to the same directory by other users.

For example, there's something new to upload. 10 people start uploading files.
You are one of them. You are using a FTP or FXP client where you can tag a
whole directory... you just select the new directory, press some hotkey for
transferring it, and let the program handle the rest. Let's say there is a
total of 50 files to transfer, so after you finished your first file, your
program tries to upload the second file. However we got 10 people uploading,
so you'll probably run into a dupe. Running into a dupe looks like this:

STOR blabla.r03
553- blabla.r03: This file looks like a dupe!!
553 It was uploaded by someone ( 0m 41s ago).

... and maybe you won't get this only once, but 5 or even 10 times in a row.
In short, you might lose precious time by trying to upload files which already
are on the server. 

This is where X-DUPE comes in. X-DUPE stands for extended dupe information
and makes the server send information about  which files have been uploaded
already  to the client. The client can read this information and use it to
remove files from its upload queue. It will not try to upload these dupes then
and you'll spend the time on uploading instead of getting one dupe message
after the other.


2. How does it work?

The bad news is that your ftp/fxp client has to support this feature. The
good news is that pFtp (popular fxp client for Linux) already does. If you
like the idea of this feature, you should encourage other FTP client authors
to implement support for it in their programs. It should not be hard to
implement and we're pretty confident support will be added if enough people
ask for it.

The idea behind it is very simple. When X-DUPE mode is turned in and you run
into a dupe, you'll get an output like

STOR blabla.r03
553- X-DUPE: blabla.rar blabla.r00 blabla.r01 blabla.r02 blabla.r03
553- X-DUPE: blabla.r04 blabla.r05
553- blabla.r03: This file looks like a dupe!!
553  It was uploaded by someone ( 0m 41s ago).

Your FTP client checks those X-DUPE lines and uses them to remove those files
from your upload queue. 


3. I'm author of a FTP/FXP client and want to support it. 
   What do I have to do?

To get those X-DUPE lines, you have to turn on extended dupe information mode
first. This is done with the new "SITE XDUPE" ftp command.

You should send this command somewhere between logging in and trying to upload
a file. A server which does not have this feature will probably reply with
something like "500 'SITE XDUPE 1': command not understood.". 

There are different modes of operation for the XDUPE command:

1) Sending "SITE XDUPE" without any parameters will show the current status. 
   > site xdupe
   200 Extended dupe mode is disabled.

   Another example:
   > site xdupe
   200 Extended dupe mode 1 is enabled.
2) Sending "SITE XDUPE 1" turns extended dupe checking on. Mode 1 means that in
   X-DUPE replies several filenames will be shown per line, up to a maximum
   of 80 chars total line length. Filenames longer than 66 chars will be

   > site xdupe 1
   200 Activated extended dupe mode 1.   

   Example X-DUPE output:
   STOR blabla.r03
   553- X-DUPE: blabla.rar blabla.r00 blabla.r01 blabla.r02 blabla.r03 blabla.r04
   553- X-DUPE: blabla.r05 blabla.r06
   553- blabla.r03: This file looks like a dupe!!
   553  It was uploaded by someone ( 0m 41s ago).

3) Sending "SITE XDUPE 2" turns on extended dupe checking mode 2. In mode 2, the
   server will send only one filename per X-DUPE line, and the maximum line
   length is 80 chars. This means filenames longer than 66 chars are
   truncated as in mode 1.

   > site xdupe 2
   200 Activated extended dupe mode 2.   
   > stor nanana03.zip
   553- X-DUPE: nanana01.zip
   553- X-DUPE: nanana02.zip
   553- X-DUPE: nanana03.zip
   553- X-DUPE: nanana04.zip
   553- X-DUPE: nanana05.zip
   553- X-DUPE: nanana06.zip
   553- X-DUPE: nanana07.zip
   553- X-DUPE: 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789.zip
   553- X-DUPE: 012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789.zip
   553- X-DUPE: 012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345
   553- X-DUPE: 012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345
   553 Error: You have no rights to overwrite in this directory.

4) Sending "SITE XDUPE 3" turns on extended dupe checking mode 3. In mode 3, only
   one filename is sent per X-DUPE line, and the filename will not be 
   truncated. This means the line will be as long as the filename + the 553 
   prefix + the "X-DUPE" prefix. Use this mode only if your client is
   flexible enough to handle long lines.
   > site xdupe 3
   200 Activated extended dupe mode 3.   
   > stor nanana03.zip
   553- X-DUPE: nanana01.zip
   553- X-DUPE: nanana02.zip
   553- X-DUPE: nanana03.zip
   553- X-DUPE: nanana04.zip
   553- X-DUPE: nanana05.zip
   553- X-DUPE: nanana06.zip
   553- X-DUPE: nanana07.zip
   553- X-DUPE: 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789.zip
   553- X-DUPE: 012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789.zip
   553- X-DUPE: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789.zip
   553- X-DUPE: 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789.zip
   553 Error: You have no rights to overwrite in this directory.

5) Sending "SITE XDUPE 4" turns on extended dupe checking mode 4. In mode 4, all
   files are listed on one long line, up to a maximum of 1024 characters. Files
   which are too long to fit will be skipped.

6) Sending "SITE XDUPE 0" turns extended dupe information off again. This is the
   default setting on server side. Thus, if you want any X-DUPE information
   at all, you have to set mode 1, 2 or 3 first.

Basically X-DUPE lines can only be part of the possible 553 reply after a STOR
command. The X-DUPE mode you choose mainly depends on which filenames you 
expect on the server and how flexible your client is with both parsing the
X-DUPE lines and reading long server lines. All the files listed in X-DUPE
lines should be removed from your upload queue.


4. Acknowledgements

Thanks go to ...

Easy from TFCISO for demonstrating how much time can be lost when running into 
a lot of dupes and helping me getting this idea.

HoE who contributed a lot by instantly picking up the idea and implementing it
in his great Linux FXP client, pFtp. 

Usurper for enabling this feature for all sites by putting it into the 
official glFtpD release.


If you like the idea, ask FTP/FXP client authors to add support for it in
their programs!

-- Hoopy